Isometric Scene

My fifth project was a group project with my friends, Joanna, Alyssa, and Noah we had to create a picture using shapes on adobe, we had to choose a picture and re create the details one by one in the picture in Adobe, this project was pretty fun since we can do it with friends, though since we chose a picture with slight curves in the details, it wasn’t good since we used angles to create the details. after finishing the project and put the details together it looked great, and it was all team work

School brochure

My sixth project is the school brochure, I had to go around the school and take pictures of what seemed worth picture taking, after taking the pictures we had to transfer them onto the software publisher and create a brochure and talk about the different skills we put into the photo, for example, leading lines. Leading lines are lines that are in the photo that will lead your eyes in direction. This project was time taking but it was fun to learn how to make a brochure.

Here is a list my computer projects for this year.

Main Page

Project 1 & 2 – Calendar & Silhouette

Project 3 & 4 – Self-portrait & Shape designing

Project 7 & 8 Granville Island & Art Gallery